Store on Hold

December 23, 2020

Store on Hold

I have taken taken the decision to temporarily suspend orders on the Berkana Labs Store. 

This is due to increasing geo political complications around Brexit and new Tax rules that need to be implemented while all tax officials and accountants are out of their offices for the Christmas Holidays! How very convenient. 

Furthermore, under the guise of an alleged mutant virus strain, UK borders are practically closed, making freight forwarding and export problematic during an already difficult time for courier firms working at breaking capacity.  

In view of this, Berkana Labs will not be taking orders until we have clarity on the new UK tax regulations and EU VAT collection policy. We will also be monitoring the situation at the borders, and once we have the green light from the courier firms we can proceed with operations as normal. I expect some clarity in February.

Please use the form below to be notified when we are "back in stock" and accepting order. 

You can keep up to date with developments @ Berkana Labs on Facebook for now at least, or reach out via other social media and communications channels. 

Thank you for your understanding and support at this time, stay safe, sane, and question everything. 


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