Radionic Field Broadcasting

Radionic Field Broadcasting

August 19, 2018

This method of radionic field broadcasting is used to broadcast a remedy to a crop field or garden. The problem is obtaining a witness sample to broadcast the remedy to. If the problem lies with a single plant then you can use a leaf as the sample. If your are trying to treat a large area such as a crop field to deter pests and diseases for instance, then you require a different approach.

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Passive Radionic Operation

Passive Radionic Operation

August 05, 2018

In this blog article we will cover passive radionic operation, and how it can be applied with our radionics system. A number of people have had success using Spooky2 Radionics as a passive device. This is to say being used standalone without a connection to the XM signal generator or any source of power.

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Radionics Seed Imprinting

Radionics Seed Imprinting

July 22, 2018

We can use our Radionics machine to improve the growth rate of plants by imprinting seeds prior to germination. We use a specific frequency of 183.5Hz for 45 minutes of imprinting on the output plate of Spooky2 Radionics 

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Spooky Radionics Origin

Spooky Radionics Origin

July 08, 2018

In 2014 I hooked up the Spooky2 XM Generator to another three dial Instrument I had designed and built, this was then published on YouTube in February 2014 and received a lot of attention. Shortly after in August 2014 I was approached on the Spooky2 forum by some members to develop a simple radionic instrument for integration with Spooky2.

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Radionics and Orgone Pyramids

Radionics and Orgone Pyramids

July 01, 2018

Orgone energy tools have been used alongside Radionics for decades. Many practitioners have found that orgone devices can help to boost a manifestation trend so that the intention manifests much quicker, continue reading to find out more. 

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How to Prepare Water for Radionic Remedy Making

How to Prepare Water for Radionic Remedy Making

June 24, 2018

Water plays a big part in this radionics practice, so we will run through the type of water you need, and how to prepare it effectively to get the most out of our Radionics machines. Water being a highly impressionable substance it retains information throughout the course of its journey, using this procedure will restructure the water and provide a pure water sample for imprinting. 

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Spooky2 XM Generator

Spooky2 XM Generator

May 31, 2018

The Spooky2 XM generator is a versatile and powerful signal generator which is designed to be programmed and used with the Spook2 Rife software. This generator is what we use to drive and power our Spooky2 Radionics rig.

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Using the Extensions Plate

Using the Extensions Plate

April 27, 2018

Taking a look at the Extension plate, and a couple of different ways it can be used to enhance your Spooky2 Radionics system.

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Using the Potentiser

Using the Potentiser

April 27, 2018

How to use the Potentiser, setting up the cable connections to the Spooky2 Generator and Spooky2 Radionics. We also take a look at using the Stick Pad with the Potentiser to find an unknown potency of a remedy.

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Using the Stick Pad

Using the Stick Pad

April 27, 2018

This shows you how to connect the stick pad to Spooky2 Radionics, and how to get a stick reaction.

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Zero Rate

Zero Rate

April 26, 2018

Some users are uncomfortable with tuning the device, and setting their own rates. This has led them to develop other methods. One user reports success by representing Solfeggio frequencies on the dials.

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Balance Rate

Balance Rate

April 25, 2018

Balancing a rate or a compensatory rate is a method of inverting a radionic rate to balance out its effects. If someone had a negative reaction to penicillin for instance you could create a balance rate for it using this method. 

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