Below you can download the 2nd edition Spooky2 Radionics manual for the Spooky2 Radionics v1.2 radionics machine, or by clicking the image above.
The manual covers a basic introduction to Radionics, a look at the Spooky2 software presets for use with the radionic instrument. It also highlights a few basic procedures such as making a copy of a substance, using the instrument for agricultural or horticultural use, and the popular manifestation protocol which details the steps taken to manifest an intention with the radionics machine.
It also covers basics such as the DNA/witness and the types we can use in radionics including a photograph. There is a section on how to prepare and restructure water for making radionic remedies, and we take a look at radionic rates and the methods we use to reduce long rates for use on the small three dial instrument.
You can download the manual by following this link:
For a foreign languages pack of the manual, and a list of rate directories you can find these at the Berkana Labs downloads page here: Berkana Labs Downloads