April 16, 2020
In this post I will cover the process of Radionic Remedy Preparation for a water remedy using the method I have found most effective. Going into detail with water restructuring and the methods I am using to preserve the water remedy. This article is in addition to a video which is linked at the end of the post.
To begin the process you will require:
In this example we will use 70ml of food grade distilled water, 25ml of Colloidal silver and 5ml of Colloidal gold. This is to make 100ml total for our 100ml dropper bottle. You can easily adjust these volumes if you take them as a percentage, ie 70ml as 70% depending on the volume of remedy you are producing.
Take a 100ml flask or beaker and add 70ml of Distilled water, then add the 25ml of Colloidal silver and finally add the 5ml of colloidal gold which we use as a remedy fixative to the beaker or flask. All of these colloids are suspended in distilled water so we restructure them together.
Drop the stir bar into the flask or beaker and place it onto the magnetic stirrer, and run the stirrer for 20 minutes minimum. This will perform a basic water restructuring to erase any previous information from the water.
Once the stirrer has completed restructuring the water you can decant the contents of the beaker or flask into the dropper bottle taking care to retain the stir bar. Stopper the bottle and it is ready for imprinting, see the following blog post. (Substance copier)
Once imprinted ideally keep refrigerated and use within 6 weeks. Remedies made with distilled water tend to form bacteria, this is mostly down to using non sterile glassware, and the direction of practitioners to place a drop of the remedy under the tongue, once the dropper is returned to the bottle bacteria from the mouth will flourish in the water. You can avoid this by simply adding a dropper full to a small beaker or medicinal measuring cup and take the water from that under the tongue, or just dropper into a glass of fresh water and drink it. We limit the growth of bacteria with colloidal silver as a preservative and by keeping refrigerated it will last a long time by following the advice outlined here.
For longer term storage you may transfer to ice cube trays to freeze, and treat each cube as a dose. Alternatively, wet sucrose or sac lac pillules with the water and allow to dry before storage.
For a more detailed step by step video of the radionic remedy preparation process, please watch the video here.
December 23, 2020
April 16, 2020
March 23, 2020