The latest design of Darrell Butcher's famous Peggotty radionic instrument by Berkana Labs. There are various design changes throughout, the newest innovation is an active circuit allowing the instrument to be used in conjunction with our other instruments and accessories making full use of our modular approach to instrument design.
The Peggotty Board uses standard base 10 radionic rates, up to a 10 digit long rate can be used on the Peggotty board. Pegs are placed in positions instead of setting a rate dial, Placed from right to left 0-10 from the first row at the top to the last row at the bottom.
The Peggotty Board can be used standalone (passive) for simple rate broadcasts or powered (Active) integrated with our other radionic instruments and accessories.
£120 GBP + Shipping & Tax where applicable
You can download the operation manual here: Peggotty Board Manual