Pendulum Dowsing

January 27, 2018

Pendulum Dowsing

To become a proficient radionics operator, and to use our device to its full potential you must learn the art of pendulum dowsing.

Dowsing is simply a method of attaining unseen information. It relys on the users ideomotor response which is linked to the subconscious. The subconscious is reacting to multiple external stimuli and translates that information into a pendulum reaction that your conscious mind can read. In short the pendulum is a bridge between your powerful subconscious and your logical conscious mind.

Traditionally a stick pad was exclusively used with radionic apparatus, but particularly in Britain with researchers like Malcolm Rae, Bruce Copen and David Tansley the use of the pendulum became common practice with Radionics

Many people have trouble getting a stick reaction from the stick pad in radionics. This often leads them to using a pendulum for tuning and diagnostics instead.

So we will now look at how to begin using a pendulum for the first time. The first thing you will need to do is get hold of a pendulum. We will soon have a selection available on our online store. You can also make one from a length of string, and an equally balanced weighted object like a ring for example.

  1. Take your pendulum in a hand that you feel most comfortable with it, (this is normally the dominant hand for many people). Grip the cord of the pendulum between your thumb and index finger and adjust the height so that you have enough clearance to swing the pendulum with your elbow resting on a level surface.
  2. Now that you have the pendulum held comfortably, you can begin to program it. This process is very simple and requires you to command the pendulum to show you YES and show you NO. First you can start with asking the pendulum to show you YES. Hold the pendulum steady, but relax. You do not want to force it to to stay still, this is where a number of people fail. Allow the pendulum to start moving of it's own accord freely while asking it to show you YES. The pendulum will pick up pace in one direction this will be your YES response. Make a note of the direction.
  3. Now that you have programmed the pendulum for YES, you can ask it to show you NO. Repeat the steps above. The pendulum should swing in the opposite direction to indicate a NO response. The direction for YES and NO can vary from person to person. For me a YES is indicated by the pendulum swinging left to right, while NO is the pendulum swinging backwards and forwards. For some people the pendulum will rotate, and the direction of rotation will indicate the response. 
  4. YES & NO will be one direction or the other. If the pendulum acts in a manner which is unusual to the set process, then it can sometimes be determined as a “maybe” response, or “don't know”. If you are still struggling to get a response, or an accurate response then consider changing your pendulum. Something lighter or heavier may be more beneficial for you. You can also use a very basic dowsing chart by drawing a large cross on a piece of paper and centering the pendulum over the intersection. This can help to show the way in which the pendulum is swinging especially if it is only displaying minor movements. It also helps to reinforce the link with your mind and the pendulum. 

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