August 26, 2018
With the Spooky2 Radionics three dial instrument we are limited on performing full radionic analysis. However, there are a number of basic options we can explore to get an indication of whether a substance is beneficial or not. The analysis is achieved by dowsing over the witness with a pendulum, or by getting a strong stick reaction with the stick pad connected to the output of the radionic instrument. For the following example we will use a pendulum to make the analysis.
You may chose to perform these tests on soil or water samples for instance to see if there is a contamination, using the contained contaminate on the input plate. If it is present in the sample under analysis on the output it will resonate, and will aid you in a pendulum analysis.
You can create a remedy for the substance that is not beneficial by removing the witness, and tuning into the sample. Once tuned in, you can set a balance rate and create a radionic remedy for it.
With this device it is best approached by removing the sample, and broadcasting the balance rate to the witness or water remedy for imprinting which is placed on the output with the Schumann frequency driving the device.
For this example we will use the Spooky² frequency database, and analyse whether the major chakras are over active or under active.
You can then remedy this by running those specific chakra frequencies and broadcasting to the witness or imprinting to water.
You can imprint the balance remedy into water instead if you wish. This process is not true analysis as it does not allow us to discern exactly what the cause is, but it tunes into it and allows a quick fire remedy to be created to begin the healing process without delay.
With Spooky2 Radionics it is difficult to make detailed analysis of conditions. Furthermore indepth radionic analysis is an art in itself, and requires a good deal of training to conduct effectively. Further analysis is often conducted with pendulum charts that correspond to various locations in the body, and also the pre-physical body with the mental, and astral levels included. This gives the professional practitioner more detail to make an informed analysis and broadcast accordingly.
You can work through the various Spooky² frequencies associated with the bodies organs and perform the factor analysis to build up a better picture of the bodies response. If an organ is displaying a low activity, then it is best to analyse this further by locating frequencies associated with parts of the organ. Broadcasting that particular organ frequency will help to balance the organ to an improved activity. If the factor is displaying 100% on re-testing, drop the treatment until the level normalises.
A variation on the substance analysis can be used to test molds, viruses, and pathogens etc to see if they are present via the witness. Obtaining the physical samples can be challenging in most cases. You can opt to run the simulated frequencies of these. If the frequency resonates with the virus, then it will aid a pendulum response indicating a yes to its presence. It can be difficult to locate genuine resonant MOR frequencies, this is why sweeps are often used to kill the virus and bacteria in Rife therapy. However, for analysis purposes a sweep is not ideal as it is hard to pin point and cross reference from the database for our purpose.
December 23, 2020
April 16, 2020
April 16, 2020