August 19, 2018
This method of radionic field broadcasting is used to broadcast a remedy to a crop field or garden. The problem is obtaining a witness sample to broadcast the remedy to. If the problem lies with a single plant then you can use a leaf as the sample. If your are trying to treat a large area such as a crop field to deter pests and diseases for instance, then you require a different approach.
For this we use an aerial photograph of the field being treated. One company I know of who used this method was UKACO in the 1940's who operated out of Pennsylvania. They would take an aerial photograph of the clients crop field. The photograph would then have the pesticide applied to it. It was placed in a radionic device which was operated by large dry cell batteries due to the fact that many remote farms at the time still did not have mains electricity. The Farmer would be loaned the instrument to run the broadcast on their field. They only paid UKACO once they saw results which was testament to their belief in their service. Most farmers got impressive results. I do not currently have the data to hand, but from memory, in one case they reduced an infestation of Japanese beetles by 90% In this example they also ran an experiment to slice off one part of the witness photograph. Once tested the part of the photograph removed that was not being broadcast to still had 100% infestation. They would use many pesticides and fertilizers. They had most success with flower remedies and natural reagents.
Many farmers were now employing the services of UKACO, and paying on results. They were more than happy to see their crop yields increase and infestation go down. They were saving a lot of money on pesticides and fertilisers.
The united states department of agriculture got wind of UKACO's operation, and in partnership with certain chemical corporations launched a concerted effort and PR campaign against them which led UKACO to cease operations. We are supposed to believe that it was because there was no evidence for the effectiveness despite the hundreds of field reports and happy clients. In reality the fertiliser company did not like the idea of losing paying customers and used their weight against them. This still happens today.
To treat fields in our own operation we require an aerial photograph. Today these are much easier to get hold of. If you have a camera drone you can get it up to the required height and take a photograph, or capture a still from the video footage. The easiest solution is to find your land on Google Earth, zoom in as far as it allows, or to encompass your field boundary then save the image. Once you have the photograph you can scale it to size so it better fits the output plate of the radionics machine. A photograph of about 50mm square will be required. If you don't have a small image you can still use it, you just need to be creative about how you can connect it to the small plate size. With the printed photograph it is standard practice to draw around the field boundary with a red marker pen, and mark the North orientation on the image.
In addition to the photograph we use soil samples from the field. A small 5ml glass vial is filled with soil from each compass point at the boundary of the field. N,S,E and W. This soil sample is your biological witness and will form a treatment grid. You may also place a sample of the crop you are treating in the centre of the set up. It is good practice to mark on the vial the location as we will orient the vial on the output plate in accordance with this.
In this example we will be broadcasting a homeopathic remedy called Helix Tosta, kindly supplied to me by Smart Holisitcs. This remedy is used to deter slugs and snails. Users report remarkable effects lasting for up to six months. It is normally added to water, and sprayed on the leaves of plants or watered into the roots. With Radionics we can broadcast over a much larger area saving time.
You can contact a reputable homeopath who will make up a high quality Helix Tosta for you, or you can make your own basic formula.
You may chose any remedy you wish. You should consider using only natural targeted reagents. Using certain potent pesticides may unbalance the flora and fauna within the field as was the case in some of the UKACO experiments. Not only were the targeted pests eradicated, but also beneficial insects.
The preparation principles of the Helix Tosta seems to work for other pests as well but they should be prepared with extreme caution. A freshly deceased pest works, but has limited time span, so a new one will need acquiring within a couple of days. There are lots of methods you can use. I would suggest consulting a homeopath who can give you advice on homeopathic remedies to use.
You should look at ways of encouraging the pests natural predators as well.
Not only can you eradicate pests, but you can fortify the crops with additional nutrients. Simply place the nutrients on the input and run the procedure. These are just a few examples, there are many more you can experiment with.
You do not have to use a reagent, you could instead broadcast frequencies from the Spooky² database to good effect. I find certain frequencies are more simulations, so in this instance it is more potent to use a physical reagent to transfer to the witness for broadcast alongside the simulated frequency to drive the circuit.
December 23, 2020
April 16, 2020
April 16, 2020