Radionics Terminology
January 27, 2018
From the founders and pioneers of radionics research over the last century we get a number of terms which can seem confusing to someone new to Radionics, so I have highlighted them here to provide some clarity.
BROADCAST: This means to send remotely. It is action at a distance, you broadcast to a witness sample.
IMPRINTING: This means programming the water or substance with the information from the radionic machine.
OPERATION: This is the term for a radionic session, or entire procedure. The radionics practitioner, will often be referred to as the operator.
RATE: The rate is the term for the set of numbers you put into the dials, or the numbers generated by the dials from tuning.
REAGENT: The reagent may refer to a substance you have on the input that you wish to copy, this term is often associated with a tincture.
REMEDY: This refers to a pure restructured water sample that you are intending to imprint, or have imprinted.
SAMPLE: Often a substance placed on the input intended for scanning and/or copying
SCAN: This is linked to rates and tuning, and is another term for tuning.
TREND: The trend in some systems refers to an outcome you are broadcasting to a witness. In Spooky² Radionics the trend will relate to the input plate, and the witness to the output plate. The term can cause some confusion so we rarely use it.
TUNING: The act of tuning the knobs of the instrument into a sample on the input
WITNESS: This refers to a DNA, or biological sample representing a non local host.
As we develop our instruments and system of radionics we are finding new and innovative way of improving the practice, so new terms will develop. I will aim to highlight them as they do, and describe them in detail.