Spooky2 XM Generator

May 31, 2018

Spooky2 XM Generator

The Spooky2 XM generator is a versatile and powerful signal generator which is designed to be programmed and used with the Spook2 Rife software.

This generator is what we use to drive and power our Spooky2 Radionics rig. Making use of the Radionics presets in the software we can add thousands of frequencies in the Spooky2 database to compliment any of our radionic operations using the programs search tab in the software.

Spooky2 Radionics was designed as a radionics accessory for Spooky2 and came to market in 2014 and this is why we use the low cost 100 dollars Spooky2 XM generator to power it.

The XM generator has two outputs, using our general radionics preset and plant growth preset you can connect the radionics system to OUT1 or OUT2 or run two radionic systems at once with those presets.

Spooky2 Boost

Adding the Spooky2 Boost 3.1 to the dual outputs combines the signal into a coherent single output and Boosts the available power. With the Boost attached you can then utilise the other three Radionics presets; radionics manifestation, radionics healing, and Radionics killing. Radionics killing is a legacy preset and the killing approach with the MN Magnetic North port on the Boost has been sun-setted by Spooky2 in recent years. The most common Boost port we use is BN or Bio North, these terms directly to relate to the magnetic polarity of the DC magnet in the Spooky Remotes, and all new Remotes are in the BN configuration. However, MN with the radionics killing preset can still be utilised with Spooky2 Radionics for experimental purposes and lends itself to the Rife approach of killing pathogens

The Spooky2 XM generator has three inbuilt waveforms, sine, square and triangle with a frequency range of 5MHz, and maximum output of 20Vp-p or about 10V DC. You can use the generator without a PC but you are limited to one frequency per channel and three of the inbuilt waveform. To see a basic run through of these controls you can view this video.

Connecting to a PC and running with the Spooky2 software opens up the XM generators capabilities. Utilising custom waveforms inbuilt into the software you can select over 30 waveform types, two of my favourites being the Lilly and H-Bomb waveforms. You can use the waveform multiplier to increase the frequency range of the XM generator to around 25MHz.

The Radionics presets as standard use a simple and pure sine wave, while the Radionics manifestation preset still utilises a sine wave it has a waveform multiplier integrated to hit higher harmonic frequencies.

Overall the Spooky2 XM generator is simple and powerful signal generator which has helped to open up the capabilities of our radionic instruments. We don't sell the generator or Boost but you can find them on the Spooky2 site here at Spooky2 Mall.

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