Using the Potentiser

April 27, 2018

Using the Potentiser

This video covers how to use the Potentiser, setting up the cable connections to the Spooky2 Generator and Spooky2 Radionics, towards the end we take a look at using the Stick Pad with the Potentiser to find an unknown potency of a remedy.


This video shows the most basic process of making a potentised remedy with the Homeopathic Potentiser and Extension Plate connected to the Spooky2 Generator X 

Also in Radionics Blog

Store on Hold
Store on Hold

December 23, 2020

Berkana Labs Store on temporary hold for various reasons. Please read this article for more information.

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Basic Radionic Copying
Basic Radionic Copying

April 16, 2020

In this post I will take you through the process of a very basic radionic substance copying procedure into a simple water remedy, this is an ideal introduction for new users and only has a few steps.

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Radionic Remedy Preparation
Radionic Remedy Preparation

April 16, 2020

In this post I will cover the process of Radionic Remedy Preparation for a water remedy using the method I have found most effective. Going into detail with water restructuring and the methods I am using to preserve the water remedy.

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