Zero Rate

April 26, 2018

Zero Rate

Some users are uncomfortable with tuning the device, and setting their own rates. This has led them to develop other methods. One user reports success by representing Solfeggio frequencies on the dials, in particular 528.

396 – Liberating Guilt and Fear.
417 – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change.
528 – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
639 – Connecting/Relationships.
741 – Awakening Intuition.
852 – Returning to Spiritual Order.

Other users will code the dials with the first three numbers of a particular frequency they are using. So if you are using the Schumann frequency 7.83Hz with the general preset and do not wish to tune the dials. You can represent it by turning the dials to 783.

Instead of leaving the dials set to zero, you can play around with other ways of creating rates like these people have. There is no set rule. The rates are principally symbolic. The hardware does resonate with the sample, but the numbers are representative. Hopefully these methods help you to implement rates and unlock even more potential with your radionic instrument.

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