Radionic Frequency Imprinting with Spooky2

September 23, 2018

Radionic Frequency Imprinting with Spooky2

For simple and effective direct frequency imprinting you can use the Spooky2 Radionics Machine with the Spooky2 XM generator.

Using the water preparation method gives you a more impressionable base to imprint the frequencies into. Using the Radionics machine for frequency imprinting offers several practicalities that the PEMF coil does not afford in this instance and is specifically designed for the task on the back of thousands of hours of research, not as an after thought.

  1. Connect the radionic device to the XM Generator in either the BN, or General configuration. BN port on the Spooky2 Boost or OUT1/OUT2 on the generator or Boost.  Load the associated Radionics preset, and add the frequencies you wish to imprint in the Spooky2 programs tab.
  2. There is no need to set the rate dials for this basic operation. However, you can chose to imprint radionic rates as well if you wish to increase the potency of the remedy.
  3. The bottle for imprinting is best placed on the output plate, this is generally the imprinting or broadcast plate due to how the circuit is configured.
  4. With the generator and programs running you would imprint the frequency for a minimum of 20 minutes to ensure full saturation of the water with the frequencies.

That is all there is to this basic operation, for extra bonus points you could add your witness sample to the input plate, this will then imprint your information signature into the water along with the frequencies. This has the effect of creating a tailored remedy to you. When administered, the body is more susceptible to the remedy as it registers your information signature loaded with the frequencies. It is effectively a Trojan method. 

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