August 19, 2018
This method of radionic field broadcasting is used to broadcast a remedy to a crop field or garden. The problem is obtaining a witness sample to broadcast the remedy to. If the problem lies with a single plant then you can use a leaf as the sample. If your are trying to treat a large area such as a crop field to deter pests and diseases for instance, then you require a different approach.
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August 05, 2018
In this blog article we will cover passive radionic operation, and how it can be applied with our radionics system. A number of people have had success using Spooky2 Radionics as a passive device. This is to say being used standalone without a connection to the XM signal generator or any source of power.
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April 27, 2018
This shows you how to connect the stick pad to Spooky2 Radionics, and how to get a stick reaction.
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